you regularly get a card, a small work of art, a unique piece in the mailbox.
In Get Your Sequence, as a large lifetime project, postcards are sent as a form of greeting from the momentary (life) ‘point of view’ of the artist. By regularly receiving the cards, a kind of protocol of her life is created, on refrigerators, on bookshelves or on window sills. They are different from pictures, to be viewed from the front and back and are intended more as a temporary company in everyday life than a monumental pictorial work treated with silk gloves. They are shipped unpacked by mail and can already bear traces of their journey.
Get your Sequence is limited to 42 subscriptions.
With my postcards, as with my expansive installations, I intervene in space, in this case in the private intimacy of the household, with the direct confrontation with my experiences. The format of the postcard underscores the tense but never decisive nature of my work, and opens the space for me to add a narrative, often humorous component.
Space and storytelling are important components in my paintings.
Each work is begun anew for its reason and occasion. Using a variety of techniques and materials, I give expression to what I want to convey, finding my own tone.
The transience of my memories, and the change of these very memories through the passage of time, is highlighted by the fusion of natural and artificial forms and materials, and is particularly emphasized by the format of the postcard. It is not by chance that in my works one often finds fantastic landscapes and ideas of possible places, and at the same time movement and the associated change of point of view on the border between inside and outside, between the self and the other. Between work and context, art and life, the boundaries are transparent. An inside and outside of my artwork cannot be separated. Not, the landscape surrounding me as it is, but the variety of my experiences and adventures, which I draw from my environment and my life, become the subject of my artistic examination.
Travelling and the spatial change of my center of life are important sources of inspiration and impulse for me to find form. In addition to the formal artistic approach, the personal dimension is also important to me.
Starting with picture postcards from vacation, I quickly realized that it is other images that I see and want to share. Life in big cities, plants finding their way through concrete, people bringing streets to life and skies drawing moods with their colorfulness are motivating factors, just like current headlines and events. The circumstances of my life are as much in the foreground as material and technique. Constantly I find new ways to bring a feeling, sensation or a memory to paper. It is painted, sewn, woven, glued, folded, poetry on high quality or found documents.
I find inspiration and impulses for the further development of my work from the experiences of travel, the change of place, the encounter with new landscapes, foreign people and languages, in the awareness of my own alienness and distance.
Thus I change the materials, the colors and the languages.
Spaces are to be taken the locality, a here experienced becomes a there experiencable. A wanderlust that goes beyond the worldly borders is satisfied.
Räumen soll die Örtlichkeit genommen werden, ein Hier Erlebtes wird zu einem Dort Erfahrbaren. Ein Fernweh, das über die weltlichen Grenzen hinaus geht, wird gestillt.
All send postcards 2023
Katharina Stumm,
Reisende Künstlerin
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