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Carte Blanche

With the installation Get your Sequence Katharina Stumm presents her diploma exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich, class of Gregor Hildebrandt. The expansive paper work spans from the ceiling as a woven open space. The different heights of the fragile walls blowing in the wind open ephemeral accessways. On an adjacent bench are five books representing an archive of over 1000 postcards sent by the artist to friends and acquaintances in the period from April 27, 2015 to July 7, 2019.
Abbildung Carte Blanche Installation

Carte Blanche



Her thesis Get the Sequence is an assemblage of 32 carte blanches that can be taken apart, card by card, at the end of the exhibition. They stand for new postcards that are still waiting to be realized and which can be commisioned in the form of a subscription: each subscription consists of 12 postcards that are sent to the recipient monthly. The work is limited to 32 subscriptions.


Carte Blanches

Get YOUR Sequence

Get your Sequence comes in different variants from the classic one with twelve cards a year, but also the small one with four, or the deluxe edition with 52 cards.