.. is neither a white cube nor a pure showroom. It is characterized by a studio atmosphere in which the public and the private fall back onto each other. In addition to furniture, BELLEPARAIS has special features such as a parquet floor strongly influenced by time and history or a wall whose traces of color refer to past times dating back to the beginning of the 20th century, when the house was first built. Under the exhibition title “respond”, the graduates of the Munich Art Academy Anna Greckl, Franz Stein and Katharina Stumm now take proportions, dimensions and the obvious at BELLEPARAIS as their starting point for the formation a temporary collective. They react in and to the charismatic space, refer to light and shadow situations, act as chroniclers of the passag of light during the day and as researchers during the exhibition period. Conceptually speaking, it is about artistic reflection, about the reduction of time, about intersections of body and space, acoustically about resonance. With means made of paper, interwoven, sewn and with photographic and graphic works, they refer to space and environment as well as to each other. The result is a joint work of art that wants to change in the course of the exhibition and advance processes – for example by using light-sensitive materials such as thermal paper or receipt rolls.
Anna Greckl and Katharina Stumm use the sun, its shadows and reflections as inditz for the passage of time.
Katharina Stumm,
Reisende Künstlerin
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